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Recent Movie Reviews

27 Movie Reviews

Oh dear.

This is the reason people should get used to using flash before they try to make a submission. The best thing that can come of this is that in a year or so you will look back and think "How the hell did I make something that bad?".

Seriously, my eyes bled.

kingchedda responds:

agreed, I will think that LATER, but as of now, i put a lot of effort kinda.

Could have been pretty great.

If you had actually thought about the relationship between Tom and Stamper you could have come up with a pretty great Flash, instead you just used the exact same ideas and scenes from the Mindchamber </3 Flash.

Also when they were hugging it at the end it would have been hilarious if Tom's hand had slowly started sliding downwards before the fade out.

All in all a pretty average clone of a slightly better movie.

Frax responds:

k lol

Recent Game Reviews

10 Game Reviews

Kinda lacking...

The original concept, and the simple controls are okay. Not a bad base to build a game on, but I feel it stops being fun pretty quick.

Even at the start I felt like there were enemies appearing that I had zero chance of reaching, which is frustrating. Then the two hit enemies come in, which are in some ways better because if you don't get that second hit you at least get a chance to finish them off on their way up. Though if you don't get even the first hit you're just as screwed.

Worse still, those damn electric buzzers! Even with just one of them playing against the 2nd boss was zero fun. Constantly being punished, even when I haven't made a mistake. Having control taken away over and over just gets annoying. Then when there are three, I would have rage quitted had I not run out of $.

The visuals are great and the game is solid control-wise, it just isn't fun to play.


Those songs... that broom... the guitar hero stuff? Kinda shameless.

Turds for all

I think this game is the dog's bollox. The dog should bob his head to the music on the menu screen that would be SOOO AWESOME!
I scored 7267 does that make me a pro?!?!
The best bit is the hot and cold thing, whoever came up with that needs an OBE.

JPI responds:

Yes, it makes you 1337! What more can I say?

Recent Audio Reviews

10 Audio Reviews

Great stuff :)

Awesome, same as always. Hope SWiTCH finds his way back!

Evil-Dog responds:

Yeah he's back! But I can't edit the description haha too many listens


Awesome job guys.

Evil-Dog responds:

Thanks dude :) Good luck with your projects!

I make games. Follow @SCGMD4.

Age 35, Male

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Joined on 2/14/05

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